Picture of Michael


Feb. 2024 -

PennApps - Logistics Manager

Organize the logistics of UPenn's premier hackathon by coordinating venue logistics, sponsorships, accommodations, and resource allocation to ensure a smooth event.

Jan. 2024 -

Penn SPARK - Back-End Developer

Working in a team to develop a centralized application for all University of Pennsylvania Students. Using tools like NextJS, Firebase, Tailwind, and more.

July 2022 -
Sept. 2022

Verizon - SWE Intern

Worked with a great team while learning how to interface with APIs and navigate the internals of a software development team.

Sept. 2021 -
May 2023

CodeDay DC - Regional Manager

Organized coding hackathons for 300+ students around the DC area and beyond. Obtained Sponsors from: Brave Browser, Vercel, Prefect.io, EastBanc Technologies, and more.


Feb. 2024 -

PClassic - Organizer

Helped organize Philadelphia's largest high school competitive programming competition by designing programming problems, locating sponsorships, and maintaining the pclassic.org website.

Aug. 2021 -
May 2023

Kids For Code - President

Organized a team of 30+ tutors. Taught 3000+ children around the world the fundamentals of programming in Python, Java, Web Dev, and C++. "Best Free Education Resource 2021" by Mom Blog Society

June 2022 -
May 2023

MCR-SGA - Webmaster

Maintained the mcrsga.com website and kept social media updated with events around the Montgomery County Public Schools area.